Sunday, September 14, 2014

More Panzergrenadiers! Weekend General's Germans, continued...

Here's the second platoon of my mid/late war German Panzergrenadier force for Warlord Games' Bolt Action. These are predominantly models by Wargames Factory, with an odd figure from Warlord or Perry. I went with these two manufacturers because I really prefer the less heroic stature of the models, especially when placed next to my vehicles.

 photo SecondPlatoonCommand1.jpg

This is the leutnant and attendant, and were the first two guys I painted out of this 2,000 point force. They're better than some of the work I did in first platoon, but again still not my best.

Moving on... here's the infantry!

 photo SecondPlatoonFirstSquad.jpg

 photo SecondPlatoonInfantry1.jpg

 photo SecondPlatoonSecondSquad.jpg

Perhaps a bit out of order, here's my artillery observer!
I was really happy with the way this guy turned out. The map is two-part expoxy (milliput?), and painstakingly painted with really thin paint. The final effect turned out really well.

 photo SecondPlatoonArtillerySpotter.jpg

Next up is the requisite MMG team. The infantry are Wargames Factory, while the MMG is Warlords and the tripod is a custom assembly.

 photo SecondPlatoonMMG.jpg

 photo SecondPlatoonMMG2.jpg

Just as with my other weapons teams, I base the weapon on a 60mm base and then the crew on individual 20mm (?) bases that came with the Perry DAK box. This makes removal of casualties a heck of a lot easier.

This is the sniper team I put together because a lot of the history I've read, as well as the plethora of documentaries I've watched, seems to indicate snipers were everywhere! This guy is armed with a G43 so limits the timeframe in which games can be played, but looks cool and had the scope on it already.

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 photo SniperTeam3.jpg

Here's my heavy mortar. The tube is part of a Wargames Factory kit, while the base and tripod are scratch built. No, it's not as detailed as a kit from Warlord... but it's cheap and it does the job on the table. The crew are mostly Warlord, with one Wargames Factory guy thrown in because by this point I was starting to run out of figures.

 photo HeavyMortar5.jpg

 photo HeavyMortar2.jpg

They really suffered from the frosting effect that I believe happens when spraying clear coat in hot, humid weather. Primer leaves almost a 'fuzz' on them when used in the same weather. I really need a garage.

 photo HeavyMortar3.jpg

This is the spotter for, primarily, the heavy mortar though I could just as easily use him for the medium mortar. Personally I think the heavy mortar benefits most from the spotter because they're better off being far back and hidden.

 photo MortarSpotter2.jpg

 photo MortarSpotter1.jpg

This is the latest addition to my Panzergrenadiers... a 15cm nebelwerfer 41! I haven't used it in a game yet but a lot of people on the forum say they're great, and it is certainly a cool weapon so we'll see. I'm really please with the way the model turned out. As with all my crewed weapons I based the crew separately but in this case it's also so I can cinematically set them off to the side with the thing fires... apparently the crew had to be something like 15 meters away from the weapon when it fired.

 photo Nebelwerfer2.jpg

 photo NebelwerferCrew2.jpg

 photo NebelwerferCrew.jpg

And finally, the whole force. So far, that is..

 photo WholeForce1.jpg

That's it for now. I've got Captain Veers himself as a work in process and then it's on to vehicles if I could get me blasted airbrush to work properly (all user error, I'm sure).
Thanks for looking, and Game On!!

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