Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Forward, the Geordies!

Well, despite the long lapse in posts I have not been idle. I've been feverishly working on some US Infantry because my wife said she'd learn the rules if I had an American force. Also, I found a couple players locally that both have German armies so I could use the same US force against them.

Now, while I'm plugging away at my American force, I thought this would be a good time to post pics of my mid/late war British force. Now, many of you probably remember I finished these up last year but due to a lack of technical know-how the posts were wiped when I changed phones. Now, with cloud-based photo services, I regale you once again with my Geordies.

Now, I chose the 50th because they'd been present at several major operations of the European Theater including Operations Torch, Husky, and Overlord. They were tough sods, chosen when the going was bound to be rough. The two red T's on their should insignia represent the Tyne and Tees rivers, which border their traditional recruiting area in the North of England. Almost all of the models here are Warlord, save Major Stretch who is a Reaper miniature.

The pics!

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"Stretch," a model to represent a Major in larger games.

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"Stretcher bearer!!" - My medic and attendant.

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Royal Artillery spotter with attendant.

 photo IMG_20141126_184739.jpg RAF forward observer.

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Another RAF observer.

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The lieutenant and his batman.

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Light mortar team.

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PIAT team... supposedly for anti-tank capability.

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Sniper team.

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Machine gun carrier.

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Churchill Mk VII

That's about it for the painted stuff. I've also got a small Commando platoon, and a QF 17-Pdr Achilles that are not yet painted. Since the US army I'm working on fills the same slot as the Geordies, sadly these sods get shuffled down on the priority list.

Thanks for looking!